Evelyn Luella Moore was born and received her primary education in Manitou, Manitoba. She attended the Manitoba Normal School and worked as an educator, later attending the University of Manitoba and graduating as a Home Economist in 1919. She worked for the T. Eaton Company as a fabric tester until 1924, when she married Reginald Ames. Five years later she became a single parent with two children, Geraldine and Lloyd. Evelyn joined the Manitoba Department of Agriculture Extension Service in 1929. She developed and taught short courses in homemaking skills to women living in rural Manitoba. With courses in great demand, the ‘local leader’ model was used to broaden the reach of classes and develop skills ranging from parliamentary procedure,...
AHOF Members archive
Froebe, Charles John
Charlie Froebe was born at Carman, Manitoba, on November 27, 1941. He grew up on the family farm in the Homewood district where he attended grade school and was a member of the Manitoba Sugar Beet 4-H Club. His secondary education was at St. John’s Ravenscourt in Winnipeg and Western Military Academy in Alton, Illinois. He received a Diploma in Agriculture from the University of Manitoba and continued as a life-long learner through accounting, electronics and computer courses from the Universities of North Dakota and Minnesota, Red River College and the Devry Institute. Charlie and Bonnie Strachan married in 1964 in Carman and raised two daughters, Karla and Nichole, on the farm at Homewood. Charlie’s major contribution to agriculture was...
Franklin, George Edmund
George Edmund Franklin, the only child of Lena Mary (Tackaberry) Franklin and William Arthur Franklin, was born at home on 29-3-23 W near Deloraine, Manitoba. His schooling included Thirlstane Elementary, Deloraine High School and the University of Manitoba diploma course in agriculture. His farm career started on his father’s farm in 1930. In 1943, he married Eva Moffat and they raised four children, two boys and two girls. The Franklin farm was a grain and cattle operation. Because of his concern for soil depletion and the possibility of erosion, he took action to prevent either from happening. He stopped plowing in 1938 and later grew forage crops: brome, alfalfa and clover in rotation with other crops in order to prevent...
Bird, Frederick Valentine
Dr. Frederick Valentine Bird was born at old St. Andrews, near Lower Fort Gary to Scottish-Indian parents. He received his formal education and pre-med at Petersfield and Selkirk, teaching school in order to put himself through medical college. One of a class of 13 to graduate from the faculty of medicine at the University of Manitoba in 1913, Dr. Bird set up his practice in Boissevain where he met and married a nurse, Ella Bradley. In the early years of his practice, he experienced the hardships of a pioneer doctor. On call 24 hours a day, he traveled many miles to see patients over roads that were atrocious in summer and impassable in winter. Emergency operations were often performed on...
Anderson, Cyril Leonard
Cyril Leonard (Andy) Anderson was born June 28, 1904, one of five children, in the Armstrong’s Point district in Winnipeg. He graduated in 1920, moved to Chicago to work with the Western Electric Company, returning to Winnipeg in 1927. In the late 1920’s Andy joined Canada Packers’ Feed Division where he helped develop and introduce modern nutrition via the addition of bone meal, tankage, fish meal and alfalfa to farm-grown grains. He advocated sound feeding and management practices to achieve optimum production in poultry and livestock operations. In 1939 Andy formed his own company, Feed Rite Mills, to pursue his profound interest in advanced feeding practices. His first major accomplishment was the improvement of poultry breeder rations which markedly increased...
Airey, Harry Thomas Milburn
Harry Airey was born and raised on a farm in the RM of Daly. He attended Rivers High School, and following that, he began farming with his father. In 1965 he took over the home farm and began his own mixed farming operation. Two years later, Harry married Joan Bennett. Harry and Joan have three children, Raymond (Barb), Lori (Darcy) Heapy, and Shawn (Tanya) and several grandchildren. In 1972 the Aireys bought their first Charolais cattle and their farm became known as HTA Charolais. They continue to raise cattle as well as farm over 3,000 acres of pasture, hay and grain land. HTA Charolais has shown and sold cattle across Canada and the United States. Their heifers have also been...
Parker, Frances Gwendolyn
Frances Gwendolyn (Gwen) Parker and her twin brother, Hartley were born in 1927 to Tom and Nellie Wilson on their farm northeast of Deloraine. Her education to Grade 8 was obtained in a one-room country school and Grade 9 by correspondence courses. She continued her education in Winnipeg, graduating from Grade 12 at Kelvin High School in 1944. She received her Bachelor of Science (H.Ec.) degree in 1948 from the Faculty of Agriculture and Home Economics at the University of Manitoba. Her first job was as an Extension Home Economist with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. This began a lifelong career of working with women and their families. Gwen married Lorne Parker of Sanford in 1949. They moved to the...
Parker, James Leckie
The walls of Mr. James Parker’s study are lined with awards, plaques and certificates. There is a bookshelf of literary material of different topics, and photographs in great abundance. This may not seem too strange, until you know that he never received any formal schooling in his entire life. Nevertheless, he has made significant contributions to science and community. Mr. Parker proves that the way to learn history is not only from a book. He has experienced history in the making, and vividly remembers the sights and sounds of the earlier days: the building of the railway between Gilbert Plains and Grandview, the first car a 1917 Model T, the Depression of the 1930s, and even the quota problems of...