Ernest McCausland was born on November 8, 1902 to John and Clara McCausland at Boissevain, Manitoba. He received his education in the Fairburn District. He married Marjorie Pettypiece in 1925 and they farmed in the Fairburn District from 1925 – 1969. Both spent many years involved in community activities. They raised three sons, Keith, Earl and Grant, two of whom became farmers.
In the spring of 1934, Ernie organized the Boys and Girls Swine Club. Under Ernie’s leadership the Boissevain Calf Club won the prestigious Winnipeg Grain Exchange Trophy twice.
In 1963, Ernie founded and led the Boissevain and District PeeWee Calf Club. These young people (6 – 9 years) were taught: care of a young calf, showmanship, making scrapbooks/posters, public speaking and conducting a short meeting. Ernie’s strong leadership brought forward many young people involved in today’s agricultural industry.
Over a 30 year period, Ernie annually donated a trophy and halter to the winner of the showmanship class at the Boissevain Rally.
Ernie ran a diversified farming operation. He raised registered Yorkshire Swine, Registered Polled Hereford cattle and was a Registered Seed Grower.
Ernie was active in the Manitoba Swine Breeders Association, Turtle Mountain Agricultural Society, Boissevain and District Chamber of Commerce and was chair of the Beautification Committee, which organized a Horticultural Society.
In the 1960’s, Ernie helped to co-ordinate the construction of a new arena on the fair grounds.
In 1977, he received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal from the Governor General of Canada. Also in 1977, Ernie worked to have the old hospital moved and converted into a community centre.
He was an active member of the Boissevain Extension Advisory Council. Two programs that were important to him were pasture improvement and promotion of more forage on the farm. He was always willing to give time to any project that would improve rural living.
Ernie placed a high value on family, friends, neighbours and community.