Norman Criddle was born in Addlestone, Surrey, England and came to Canada with his parents in 1882. The Criddle family established a homestead at Aweme, Manitoba.
Criddle was well known for his lifelike drawings of flowers and insects. Proof of his skill exists in abundance. His talent led him to collaboration with Dr. James Fletcher on the book Farm Weeds of Canada and later Fodder and Pasture Plants.
In the grasshopper outbreak of 1902, Criddle became prominent by producing the Criddle Mixture. This poison mixture was accepted by the Dominion Department of Agriculture as a proven weapon against grasshoppers. In that same year, he was hired by the government to travel from place to place showing farmers how to use this mixture. In 1913, Criddle was employed as entomological field officer for Manitoba and in 1919 was appointed entomologist, a position he held until his death. Criddle conducted extensive research in the entomological field, specifically the study of grasshoppers. His research has been of immense value to the farmers of Manitoba.
All those who new Criddle spoke of him in terms of respect, admiration and greatest affection. His work was not just a job, it was a vocation. An Honourable Diploma in Agriculture was conferred on Criddle from the Manitoba Agricultural College of his outstanding work.