Susan Gertrude Jasper was born in Oak Ridges, Ontario in 1902 to Arthur and Elizabeth Robson. She moved with her family in 1911 to Deleau, Manitoba. In 1922, she married Norman Jasper and for 32 years, they lived on a mixed farm and raised three children, Wesley, Garfield and Bette.
Mrs. Jasper served as secretary of the local United Farmers of Manitoba. As a western representative on the Canadian Federation of Agriculture for 9 years and also as a member of the provincial Council of Women, she lobbied federal and provincial cabinets to improve conditions for agriculture, women’s rights and educational facilities. In 1953, she attended a session of the United Nations as a delegate from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture.
Always a lover of flowers and home beautification, Gertrude joined the Hartney Horticultural Society and became a provincial director for 15 years, serving a term as president of the Manitoba Horticultural Association. As a district director, she helped to organize societies in Virden, Melita and Deloraine, and was often called upon to judge flower shows. She was also a director of the International Peace Garden for sixteen years.
Mrs. Jasper served as vice-president of the Council of Women, president of the local and regional Women’s Institute and 2 years as vice-president of Manitoba Women’s Institute, Twice, she was a Manitoba delegate to the world conference of Associated Country Women of the World in Toronto and Dublin, Ireland. She was secretary of the Western Senior Citizens Council, founder of the local Association for the Mentally Retarded, president of the Hart-Cam Community Centre and the Hart-Cam Museum committee.
Gertrude was a music lover and taught piano for 50 years. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge 1942-1998 and the Order of the Eastern Star 1954-1994, holding many executive positions and sharing her gift of music with both organizations. She was also organist for Hartney United Church.
Mrs. Jasper received the following recognition for her community and provincial service:
1974 – Brandon Soroptimist “Women Serving Women”
1977 – Manitoba Horticultural Association – honourary life member
1987 – Brandon YWCA – Western Manitoba “Women of Distinction” award
1988 – Community of Hartney – plaque presentation
1992 – Premier’s Volunteer Service Award – nominated and received a certificate of recognition as a volunteer of outstanding merit in Manitoba.