Susan Gertrude Jasper’s (nee Robson) influence is far reaching for she is a woman of many talents. Her career spanned three major areas of interest. She was a school teacher for 1 ½ years, a farmer’s wife from 1922 – 1954, musician and piano teacher for many years, and horticulturist with innate skills.
For thirty-two years she lived on a mixed farm and was very involved in agriculture. She served as secretary of the district for the United Farmers of Manitoba. When she was on the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Board and the Provincial Council of Women, she lobbied Federal and Provincial Cabinets to improve: agricultural conditions, women’s rights, and educational facilities. For nine years she was chosen as the Western Representative on the Canadian Agricultural Board to represent: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C.
Gertrude, as District Director of the Manitoba Horticultural Association, helped to organize societies in Virden, Melita, Deloraine, and Boissevain. She was also the President of the provincially based Manitoba Horticultural Society. As a judge of both horticultural displays, she showed her outstanding ability, both locally and internationally.
Gertrude Jasper’s capacity to help others was huge. She was: the Vice-President of the Council of Women, the President of the local Women’s Institute, delegate to two World Conferences, the Associated Women of the World in Toronto, and in Dublin, Ireland, Secretary of the Western Senior Citizen’s Council, and founder of the local Association for the Mentally Retarded, President of the Hart-Cam Community Centre, and of the Museum Committee.
As an organist and music teacher, she was in great demand. Many organizations and many different towns called upon her expertise. She was a Member, and Past Noble Grand of the Rebecca Lodge, and also served as the provincial organist for the organization. In the same way she was a member, Past Matron, and Grant Organist and President, Victoria Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. She was the organist in two local churches, and in addition she taught Sunday School and Junior Choir, in both. She was also involved in the United Church Women and Women’s Auxiliary Organizations and was chosen to serve as delegate to Presbytery.
Mrs. Jasper has received many honours and awards, because this woman is very generous with her talents. She loves to pass on her knowledge. In summary, Gertrude was a good wife and mother, a dependable community servant, and very interested in helping others.